Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, M.Hum.
149 hlm, 2021, Cet. ke-1
ISBN : 978-623-6282-26-7
14.5 x 21 cm
This book describes about how to learn vocabulary by using game. To have a rich vocabulary, students need not only to learn as many words as possible, but they also need to remember them because learning is remembering. With regarding these several techniques have been designed to help learners efficiently memorize words and teachers make the process of learning easier for their students, one of the techniques that a teacher can use when teaching vocabulary is by using educational games.
Games have many advantages for both language teachers and its learners. They support learning the target language when learners are involved in the games and have fun without noticing that they are learning the target language, and furthermore it is a pleasure for the teacher that s/he presents the language in an enjoyable atmosphere which makes the job powerful.
Board games like monopoly or pictionary or mime game and spelling bee can be employed while teaching to make learning and using English words fun.
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